Vape Juice Isn’t What You Think It Is
Out The CLoud

Research has stated that the top reason young e-cigarette smokers use e-cigarettes is because of the flavors. Almost 90% of middle and high school students who vape use popular flavors such as mint, menthol, candy/desserts, and fruit. However, most young smokers are unaware that these flavors are lab-made liquids.
What’s really in your vape juice?
It is well known that nicotine, a highly addictive substance, is in vape juice, but did you know that additives/chemicals used to make paint solvent, antifreeze, skin products, and car exhaust are also ingredients?
Other common ingredients include:
- Carcinogens
- Herbicides used to kill weeds
- Heavy metals such as nickel, lead, and tin
- Other toxic metals found in traditional cigarettes
Don’t let the flavor fool you
Breathing is an essential function of the human body. Vape juice not only impairs and irreversibly damages your lungs (the organ you need in order to breathe), but it also causes cardiovascular (heart) damage, addiction, and psychological issues such as severe depression and anxiety.
How to quit