Resources for Medical Providers

Notifiable Disease Reporting
All Georgia physicians, laboratories, and other health care providers are required by law OCGA31-12-2 to report patients with the conditions determined to be notifiable in the state of Georgia. Both laboratory-confirmed and clinical diagnoses are reportable within the specified time interval.
Notify The Health Department of a Reportable Disease
There are four ways to report disease to the health department:
Call us
Call 770.339.4260. Ask to speak to GNR Public Health’s Epidemiologist on Call.
An Epidemiologist is available 24/7 at 404-323-1910 or 866-PUB-HLTH
FAX us
Send FAX reports to 888.979.8335. The line is secure and confidential.
State Electronic Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (SENDSS)
Online reporting requires an account. Follow guidance to register for an account to start reporting online.
Call the state health department
To report a disease, outbreak, or other public health concern, call 1.866.PUB.HLTH. Reports are directed to the local health department.

GRITS Immunization Registry and Tracking System
Georgia Immunization Registry and Tracking System (GRITS) is a program used for project reporting, data collection, and records maintenance. Healthcare providers in Georgia are required to report immunization data to GRITS.